was this which led me to my wife. I was at a dance when I met her. We seemed drawn together in some invisible way, so that we had several dances together and afterwards drove home in my car. On the way, we stopped and kissed, when quite suddenly Helen, who had an arm around my waist, asked me point-blank how long I had been wearing corsets. She had felt them through my suit. I was taken aback, but she soon set my mind at rest by saying it was a pity that more men didn't do so. Then her hand on my thigh encountered a suspender through my trouser-leg, and she asked wheth- er I was wearing long stockings too. I felt confused for a moment but, sensing an affinity of spirits, I told her I was and that my use of girlish things was not limited to this. The warmth of feeling she at once showed towards me thrilled me through and through, for I had feared she would end our friendship then and there, whereas now I felt she liked me the more because of my un- usual tastes.

And so it was. Helen came to see me, and I had dressed in my best things. She was delighted and during the evening she pro- posed to me. We became engaged and shortly afterwards were married. I've been extremely happy in my married life, for Helen has always encouraged my adoption of femininity in every possible way. No- thing pleases her, or me, more than to have me around the house completely transformed into a girl.

She always supervises my transformation and often adds some dainty item or other to my already extensive wardrobe. Although I continue to appear in public as a male, at home I am always in female guise, for Helen has encouraged me, not only to dress com- pletely as a girl, but to make up and act as one. She has trained me very thoroughly in the adoption of a girl's mannerisms, and I have spent hours under her supervision, practising poise, gestures, ways of walking and sitting, and even the art of looking fascin- ating to unknowing masculine eyes! At all times she is critical, calling my attention to any slight lapses.

She has had my ears pierced and has bought two very expen- sive blonde wigs for me, which I wear over my own wavy hair, which I have grown as long as I can decently wear it in male attire. Indeed, at home my own hair can be dressed in quite a feminine style. She has insisted on my tight-lacing, so that now my waist- line measures only 22" over my frock. My heels have become prog-
